
      Yesterday was a kinda chill day. First period we took some notes and did a review. 2nd period we finished the Jeopardy game we started on Thursday. My groups game was chosen so we had to transfer the problems to the online game. It took like 30 mins and we had no time to play the game, but we will play on Tuesday. Third period we reas for 20 mins and went to lunch which was diabolical. Then we came back and started a new project. Fourth period we reviewed a previous assignment  and took a test. I’m sure I didn’t due to well because I couldn’t understand a single thing the questions were asking for so yea. Then school let out and I went my coaches class to get ready for the game we had against Westlake. I quadruple checked to make sure I had everything and I did. I brought a brush but I think it fel out my bag sometime that day, but other than I was set. We ate our food and started getting dressed. Since my mom wasn’t going to make it to the game and she usually picks me up from the game I left my stuff at the school. The bus ride was kinda long. When we arrived you could tell it was bout to rain. Everything was already wet when we got there. It started raining and stuff it was just icky. It was a long game but we won with a score of 30-20. When we got back to the school I forgot all about my bag and went straight to moms car. My friend called to tell me I left my stuff but my coach was leaving so I have to get it on Tuesday.


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