
         Today was a bit overwhelming. Woke up late and left the house late. you know the usual. I knew I should have been more productive over the 3 day weekend, but I was tired of feeling like if I'm not doing something every second of the day then I'm wasting valuable time. So I took a break, nothing about the test that was lined up for me this upcoming week. In first period I was reminded of our 2 part mock APUSH test. We had 55 multiple-choice questions to take in 55 minutes on Thursday. We got a test reiew but I did it online and on Monday I checked it and it was gone so I had to get another one. Very stressful. Other than that we just prepared and reviewed. Second period was basic. Guess what we did...MORE BOOKWORK!!! We're on a two-week streak at this point. I swear I'm learning from trial and error in that class, if anything we're teaching ourselves. Third period was ok. We finished an assignment that needed to turn in that we ended up not turning in but I'm not complaining. That took the whole class period because we were working with groups and you know we're going to socialize and stuff. The work did get done tho. Practice was the same old copy and paste. L day fr.


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