
    First period we did the second part of our mock APUSH exam, the SEQ, and LEQ. I think I did pretty good. On the whole test I think together I got no less than a 75%. Second period we did another worksheet. Yea not surprised are you. Third period we started working on our temp. projects. I could only do so much because my Chromebook was dying and I needed to use computer software so yea I had to just chill for the rest of class. It was cool though. I played solitaire, read a couple online books, listening to music with my friends. It was cool. I also had a couple peeps ask and compliment my letterman's jacket. That made me feel dope. Fourth period we did a bellringer pertaining to the military, then I had to leave early because the game was like an hour or two away so we had to leave early which means the buses needed to pick up the elementary school and highschool early so we could use the buses. SO thats what the school did. Our coach didnt have any food for us so we had to order our own. To make a long story short we won 46-6, went home clocked out.


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